
Tag: Enterprise Agility

Global Cloud

Bringing Industry Cloud to Your Company: What CIOs Need to Know

June 20, 2022

Via: InformationWeek

Cloud was originally conceived of to virtualize network, storage, and compute in a generalized sense. Subsequent innovations have added services to the cloud portfolio in terms of broad applicability without regard for the nuances, concentration and domain needs of specific […]

Global Cloud

Simplify Cloud Deployment Through Teamwork, Strategy

April 25, 2022

Via: InformationWeek

Cloud simplification is the holy grail that CIOs and IT leaders are after. But the process of simplifying often unwittingly introduces even more complications. It’s a common story: Organizations move from on-premises data centers to the cloud to achieve simplicity, […]

Global Cloud

DevOps or DevOops?

January 4, 2022

Via: InformationWeek

A decades-long history of IT request backlogs and user frustrations were what led to the emergence of DevOps in the first years of the 21st century. The promise of DevOps was that users would be more directly involved with IT […]