
Category: Global Cloud

Global Cloud

IBM sees software sales soar as tech spend stabilizes

July 25, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

M&A has played a central role furthering IBM’s hybrid cloud capabilities, as well as supporting its software division. The company expanded its software division with the addition of Red Hat’s broad suite of Linux-based enterprise solutions in 2019 and has […]

Global Cloud

SAP bets on enterprise architecture skills to boost cloud ERP migration

July 24, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

SAP is racing against the clock to shift customers to its modernized ERP suite before on-prem system support deadlines begin taking effect next year. The company is also bolstering its army of technical experts to head off an impending migration […]

Global Cloud

As IT costs mount, CIOs want hybrid cloud with better connectivity

July 19, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Competing IT priorities are helping write a new chapter for hybrid solutions, as CIOs seek out the optimal environments for specific workloads. Applications with variable compute needs benefit from the buy-as-you-go provisioning of public cloud, while those with less fluctuation […]

Global Cloud

Navigating the data management maze: How emerging tech and modern solutions are revolutionizing mainframe-to-cloud integration

July 18, 2024

Via: CIO

Emerging technologies are transforming organizations of all sizes, but with the seemingly endless possibilities they bring, they also come with new challenges surrounding data management that IT departments must solve. Technologies such as AI, cloud computing, and the Internet of […]

Global Cloud

SAP soups up cloud migration package with expense tracking and sales tools

July 17, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

SAP will begin sunsetting on-prem ERP maintenance support across several of its core products next year as part of a broad restructuring plan that prioritizes service-based software delivery. But a significant segment of the vendor’s existing customer base is likely […]

Global Cloud

AWS Cost Allocation Tags: Your Secret Weapon for Effective Cost Management

July 17, 2024

Via: Cloud Tweaks

AWS cost allocation tags are metadata labels assigned to AWS resources that help in categorizing and tracking costs. These tags consist of key-value pairs that can be used to identify specific resources and attribute costs accordingly. Cost allocation tags are […]

Global Cloud

Microsoft settles cloud complaint for $22M to avoid EU antitrust probe

July 11, 2024

Via: Network World

Microsoft has reportedly agreed to pay $22 million to settle an antitrust complaint with a group representing cloud computing companies in Europe. This move avoids a potential larger fine from the European Commission, according to Reuters. A complaint was filed […]

Global Cloud

Seek solutions now to remedy surging cloud costs

July 11, 2024

Via: CIO

The complexity within IT infrastructures is increasing, as is the pressure on IT budgets to use available funds as smartly and efficiently as possible. Effective cost management in the cloud is, therefore, becoming increasingly important. Yet many companies still find […]

Global Cloud

Capital One leans on its cloud maturity to support AI adoption

July 10, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Capital One is banking on its cloud maturity to ease AI adoption across business functions. The financial services company was early to migrate and quick to modernize its data ecosystem. “We gravitate towards using the most advanced cloud services and […]

Global Cloud

China seeks 30% growth in national compute capacity by 2025

July 8, 2024

Via: Network World

China has released a plan that reveals the oriental power’s plans to grow its national compute capacity to 30% by 2025. The plan, which was reported by several Chinese news outlets after its release by six state departments including the […]

Global Cloud

Trends in the cloud database market

July 8, 2024

Via: Computer Weekly

The cloud holds a large – and growing – percentage of enterprise data. While much of this growth comes from unstructured information, such as documents and media files, enterprises also still depend on structured data, stored in databases. The global […]

Global Cloud

5 Proven Strategies For Guaranteed Cloud Cost Savings

July 8, 2024

Via: Cloud Tweaks

As the adoption of cloud increases in an organization because of its undeniable benefits, it brings forth another concern – that of escalating costs. In the absence of a solid plan to tackle these rising costs, the economic value of […]

Global Cloud

The next 10 years for cloud computing

July 5, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

The landscape of cloud computing is changing significantly as enterprises question the value of public cloud solutions. This shift marks a departure from previous years when the public cloud was widely regarded as the panacea for all technology and infrastructure […]

Global Cloud

AWS adds step-by-step guides to its AI assistant’s capabilities

July 3, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Some consumer-facing chatbots show signs of success, but live agents remain an essential element of the customer service experience. As a result, many AI assistants are focused on helping agents rather than callers directly. Amazon believes agents are at their […]

Global Cloud

Australia is moving top secret intelligence data to the cloud with a new billion-dollar AWS deal

July 3, 2024

Via: TechRadar

Australia’s government wants help from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build a super top-secret cloud for its law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The country’s leaders say the new AWS platform will be “purpose-built for Australia’s Defence and National Intelligence Community […]

Global Cloud

Serverless cloud technology fades away

July 2, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

It is becoming increasingly evident that serverless technology is losing relevance and will soon fade away in the cloud technology space. Why did this happen? What can we learn from this evolution of technology? When serverless computing first hit the […]

Global Cloud

How Balancing Cloud Costs Drives Data Freedom for an Innovative Edge

July 2, 2024

Via: Cloud Tweaks

Competition is the engine of progress, driving innovation, technological advancement, and consumer-friendly pricing. This is particularly true in cloud computing, a sector marked by intense rivalry among providers keen to dominate the market through a broad spectrum of services. Yet, […]

Global Cloud

7 steps to improve analytics for data-driven organizations

July 1, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

When leaders say they want to be a data-driven organization, a key objective is empowering business people to use data, predictive models, generative AI capabilities, and data visualizations to improve decision-making. Leaders seek smarter decisions that yield positive business benefits, […]

Global Cloud

How Broadcom cemented its European cloud sovereignty credentials

July 1, 2024

Via: Computer Weekly

Data sovereignty is about the legal ability to control how data can be shared and used. Sounds simple, but how it’s applied can vary significantly. What does it mean from the perspectives of the European Union (EU) and VMware following […]

Global Cloud

Enterprise cloud storage spend to double by 2028 as AI ramps up

June 28, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Enterprises entered an optimization cycle last year, trimming back cloud spend as the economy cooled. Storage services took a particularly hard hit, due to overprovisioning in prior years and a shift to pricey graphics processing units to fuel the emerging […]