
Tag: ai

Global Cloud

Enterprise cloud storage spend to double by 2028 as AI ramps up

June 28, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Enterprises entered an optimization cycle last year, trimming back cloud spend as the economy cooled. Storage services took a particularly hard hit, due to overprovisioning in prior years and a shift to pricey graphics processing units to fuel the emerging […]

Global Cloud

AWS flexes data center muscles as AI workloads increase cloud use

June 26, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

A race is on to build bigger and better cloud data centers and AWS is revving its massive infrastructure engine. In the first half of the year, the largest hyperscaler poured more than $50 billion into its U.S.-based pipeline expansion, […]


Migrating from on-premise to cloud server with best practice measures

June 20, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

Technology evolves rapidly, and none more so than software. AI has usurped the Cloud’s position as the darling of the internet age, and so it would come as a surprise to learn that globally, cloud adoption is still relatively slow. […]

Global Cloud

HPE and Danfoss put excess data center heat to use

June 19, 2024

Via: CIO

Data centers are hot, in more ways than one. Not only are enterprises and hyperscalers building or expanding their facilities to accommodate increasing interest in artificial intelligence, but that same AI is gobbling power, and thus creating heat — a […]

Global Cloud

AWS offers new AI certifications

June 11, 2024

Via: CIO

With a shortage of IT workers with AI skills looming, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is offering two new certifications to help enterprises building AI applications on its platform to find the necessary talent. One of the certifications, AWS Certified AI […]

Global Cloud

Kubernetes shows the way forward for AI

June 10, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

The term “inflection point” is overused, but it certainly applies to the current state of artificial intelligence. Technology providers—and the companies that depend on them—can choose one of two roads to AI development: proprietary or open source. This dichotomy has […]

Cloud Security

Fortinet grabs cloud security player Lacework

June 10, 2024

Via: Network World

Fortinet has reached an agreement to buy cloud security company Lacework for an undisclosed amount. Founded in 2015, Lacework is known for its cloud-based machine learning, AI and automation technology that lets customers manage and secure cloud workflows. Its security […]

Service Models

Apple Intelligence: How the iPhone’s on-device and cloud-based AI will work

June 7, 2024

Via: ZDnet

Apple is expected to have one of its most groundbreaking Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) keynotes on Monday, as the company plans to add major artificial intelligence (AI) features to its operating systems. But rather than unveiling a slew of flashy […]

Service Models

Singapore looks to boost AI with plans for quantum computing and data centers

June 3, 2024

Via: ZDnet

Singapore is looking to carve out a global footprint in artificial intelligence (AI) with the release of international standards for large language model (LLM) testing and investments in quantum computing and new data center capacity. Quantum has the potential to […]

Global Cloud

What’s your plan for the cloud skills gap?

May 31, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Guess what? 95% of IT decision-makers say their team has been negatively impacted by the cloud skills gap. If that’s not bad enough news, by 2030, more than 85 million roles could remain vacant because there aren’t enough skilled people […]

Global Cloud

Partitioning an LLM between cloud and edge

May 28, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Historically, large language models (LLMs) have required substantial computational resources. This means development and deployment are confined mainly to powerful centralized systems, such as public cloud providers. However, although many people believe that we need massive amounts of GPUs bound […]

Global Cloud

Understanding the generative AI development process

May 13, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Back in the ancient days of machine learning, before you could use large language models (LLMs) as foundations for tuned models, you essentially had to train every possible machine learning model on all of your data to find the best […]

Global Cloud

Cloud environments beyond the Big Three

May 10, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

The Big Three cloud providers, AWS, Microsoft, and Google, are going like gangbusters. The most likely reason is two letters: AI. The first quarter of 2024 saw the strongest growth since the third quarter of 2022. Enterprise spending on cloud […]

Cloud Clients

Microsoft unveils $3.3B AI infrastructure plan as it grows US data center capacity

May 8, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Hyperscalers AWS, Google and Microsoft are crafting comprehensive infrastructure plans to support growing compute capacity needs and investing in states across the U.S. AWS committed to investing around $21 billion in Indiana and Mississippi earlier this year in a plan […]

Service Models

Oracle to add AI coding companion to cloud portfolio

May 7, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Oracle is the latest provider to join an established trend among enterprise technology vendors. The rise of generative AI enthusiasm led to a proliferation of coding tools powered by large language models. The coding companion push hasn’t fully percolated throughout […]

Service Models

Nscale offers AMD AI chips-as-a-service in green data center

May 3, 2024

Via: Network World

In the competitive realm of artificial intelligence, dominated by Nvidia’s formidable GPUs, a bold newcomer is betting on a different contender. Nscale, a little-known GPU cloud provider based in Norway, has launched a new AI Cloud Services platform built around […]

Cloud Security

Cisco announces AI-powered Hypershield for autonomous exploit patching in the cloud

April 18, 2024

Via: CSO Online

Cisco has announced Hypershield, an AI-based capability of the company’s Security Cloud platform for hyperscalers. Hypershield is designed to defend cloud, data center, and distributed edge appliances from rapid vulnerability exploitation, according to Cisco. Patching today’s sprawling applications has become […]

Service Models

Microsoft’s Azure AI Search updated with increased storage, vector index size

April 5, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Microsoft has updated its Azure AI Search service to increase storage capacity and vector index size at no additional cost, a move it said will make it more economical for enterprises to run generative AI-based applications. Formerly known as Azure […]

Service Models

Banking’s mainframe strategies shift as boards push for AI, cloud

April 4, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Banking CIOs have changed their view of the cloud. Rather than seeking cost savings, executives are turning to cloud for flexibility, scalability and AI capabilities, according to the report. But technical debt is complicating adoption initiatives. “Unfortunately, many of the […]

Service Models

Nextcloud announces ‘AI as a service’ collaboration with major providers

April 3, 2024

Via: TechRadar

Nextcloud has announced a collaboration with a number of major European players in the cloud storage industry to leverage access to their upcoming on-premise ‘artificial intelligence (AI) as a service’ features, promising GDPR compliance in a cottage industry fraught with […]