
Tag: Capital One

Global Cloud

Capital One leans on its cloud maturity to support AI adoption

July 10, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Capital One is banking on its cloud maturity to ease AI adoption across business functions. The financial services company was early to migrate and quick to modernize its data ecosystem. “We gravitate towards using the most advanced cloud services and […]

Global Cloud

Majority of organisations struggling with cloud security

August 23, 2019

Via: Computer Weekly

The recent Capital One data breach affecting 100 million customer accounts was blamed on a cloud server misconfiguration, which is among several common problems, a survey reveals. A study from security firm Tripwire found that 84% of organisations find maintaining […]

Global Cloud

Cyber attackers exploiting poor cloud security

August 22, 2019

Via: Computer Weekly

Despite 42% of organisations saying they are concerned about cloud security, many are failing to carry out security testing or follow best practices, a study shows. The potentially devastating effects of poor cloud security was illustrated recently with a data […]