
Tag: CCS

Global Cloud

CCS urged to do more to make Cloud Compute 2 framework more accessible to SMEs

August 4, 2023

Via: Computer Weekly

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) stands accused of “paying lip service” to smaller suppliers after embarking on a revamp of the “underused” Cloud Compute Framework to make it more accessible to SMEs. The government’s procurement arm is inviting submissions from […]

Global Cloud

G-Cloud 13 suppliers claim framework extension is making it ‘commercially unviable’ to sell through

July 31, 2023

Via: Computer Weekly

The government’s decision to prolong the life of the 13th iteration of the G-Cloud framework is making it a commercially unviable way for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to sell cloud services to the public sector, it is claimed. The […]

Global Cloud

G-Cloud 13 launch hits shaky start as suppliers complain about missing framework functionality

November 14, 2022

Via: Computer Weekly

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has moved to assure the public sector IT buying community that the apparent removal of the supplier transparency function from the newly launched G-Cloud 13 framework is temporary and will be restored by mid-December. The […]