
Tag: CIO

Global Cloud

Enterprises plan to boost reliance on distributed cloud

January 2, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

As enterprises push cautiously toward generative AI adoption, CIOs are grappling with the technical challenges inherent in leveraging the technology. The need to maintain data security and low latency is shifting enterprise strategy, encouraging organizations that have migrated to cloud […]

Global Cloud

The only CIO resolution that matters

December 26, 2023

Via: CIO

In many communities, December is a month set aside for reflection. To wit, across nearly every discipline, one finds magnum opuses entitled “Lessons Learned” or “The Year in Review” as the year draws to a close. Such exercises are valuable […]

Global Cloud

CIOs weigh the new economics and risks of cloud lock-in

December 14, 2023

Via: CIO

As CIOs seek to achieve economies of scale in the cloud, a risk inherent in many of their strategies is taking on greater importance of late: consolidating on too few if not just a single major cloud vendor. And while […]

Global Cloud

CIOs sharpen cloud cost strategies — just as gen AI spikes loom

November 2, 2023

Via: CIO

Cloud costs remain a key concern for IT leaders, who find themselves nearing a crossroads where expenditures for core workloads will need containment to free up spend for innovation. To be sure, enterprise cloud budgets continue to increase, with IT […]

Global Cloud

CIOs prioritize data upgrades as AI adoption intensifies

October 16, 2023

Via: CIO Dive

Most organizations favor a hybrid AI strategy, building on open-source models while also leveraging off-the-shelf tools, according to an MIT Technology Review report. CIOs have doubled down on modernizing enterprise data systems to ease AI adoption, as the computing demands […]

Cloud Clients

What motivated Ericsson’s big push into the cloud

August 30, 2023

Via: CIO

When Mats Hultin, pictured, took over as group CIO at Ericsson four years ago, the company decided to review its large outsourcing contract. At the same time, the cloud team, led by cloud service VP Johan Sporre Lennberg, stressed for […]

Global Cloud

4 questions CIOs are asking about cloud computing

August 7, 2023

Via: CIO

Ever since Basecamp announced late last year that they were (mostly) pulling out of the cloud, there’s been a spirited debate about the failure of cloud computing to deliver on hyped-up promises of miraculous cost savings. Like a low-calorie cheesecake, […]

Global Cloud

Cloud is so endemic, CIOs only mention it in passing

May 24, 2023

Via: CIO Dive

When Wells Fargo announced a deal with Microsoft and Google Cloud to support a decade-long modernization marathon in 2021, it was news. A major financial services company had opted in on hybrid multicloud. Two years later, the trend has become […]

Global Cloud

CIOs contend with rising cloud costs

July 19, 2022

Via: CIO

Deep into a massive shift to the cloud, McDermott International CIO Vagesh Dave found himself at an unforgiving crossroads: As engineers gobbled up the vast computing resources available in the cloud, the oil rig constructor IT chief noticed the monthly […]

Global Cloud

How CIOs can align enterprise change with cloud strategy

February 7, 2022

Via: CIO Dive

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will surely get you there. “Alice in Wonderland” taught us that, with the Cheshire Cat providing such elegant wisdom in Alice’s moment of despair. CIOs are well aware that enterprise journeys […]

Cloud Security

What most cloud-using CIOs want in 2022

December 28, 2021

Via: InfoWorld

Ten years ago, many CIOs had a negative opinion about cloud computing; few CIOs landed on the positive side. Cloud subject matter experts like me got walked out of the building on a regular basis. These days it’s a career […]

Global Cloud

Open-source security: Can OpenStack really protect your cloud data?

April 13, 2018

Via: CompareTheCloud

A free, open-source platform, OpenStack was created with the ambitious target of giving infrastructure-as-a-service to consumers in a rapid, self-serve manner. It is now one of the most popular open-source cloud projects with the likes of eBay and Walmart relying […]