

Cloud Security

Google Cloud: When it comes to cyber risks, we’re all in it together

July 11, 2022

Via: ZDnet

For Jeanette Manfra, director of risk and compliance at Google Cloud, overseeing cybersecurity of a vast array of technical infrastructure and services is nothing new. She previously served as assistant director for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), where she […]

Cloud Security

6 key points of the new CISA/NSA 5G cloud security guidance

November 16, 2021

Via: CSO Online

5G, or 5th generation mobile networks, is among the most talked about technologies. At a high level, it promises to connect virtually any entity spanning devices, objects, and machines. 5G improves on 4G communication networks in key areas such as […]

Global Cloud

Cloud Attacks Are Bypassing MFA, Feds Warn

January 14, 2021

Via: Threat Post

The Feds are warning that cybercriminals are bypassing multi-factor authentication (MFA) and successfully attacking cloud services at various U.S. organizations. According to an alert issued Wednesday by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), there have been “several recent successful […]