
Tag: cloud deployment

Deployment Models, Public Cloud

Oracle Cloud: A discussion about public cloud, dedicated regions and Alloy

March 21, 2024

Via: Computer Weekly

Pradeep Vincent is the chief technical architect and senior vice-president of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). His role involves internal engineering of all the services in OCI. At Oracle Cloud World in London earlier this month, Vincent talked about the work […]

Deployment Models, Others

Evolving identity and permissions management for the multicloud world

April 10, 2023

Via: CSO Online

Managing identities and their access permissions is becoming more complicated. Digital sprawl has led to an explosion in permissions across multicloud environments, and consistent oversight is lacking. As many as 99% of cloud permissions are going unused, and this represents […]

Global Cloud

Software Deployment Best Practices in the Azure Cloud

January 31, 2023

Via: Cloud Tweaks

Cloud deployment is the process of deploying and managing applications, services, and infrastructure in a cloud computing environment. Cloud deployment provides scalability, reliability and accessibility over the internet, and it allows organizations to take advantage of the benefits of cloud […]

Deployment Models, Others

Dell and Red Hat Partner to Simplify Multi-Cloud Deployment

September 28, 2022

Via: Data Center Knowledge

Your multi-cloud deployments continue to gain interest from vendors, especially your containerized workloads. Case in point: Dell and Red Hat recently launched a set of containerized solutions that would simplify the management and deployment of multi-cloud environments on-prem. We know […]

Global Cloud

Simplify Cloud Deployment Through Teamwork, Strategy

April 25, 2022

Via: InformationWeek

Cloud simplification is the holy grail that CIOs and IT leaders are after. But the process of simplifying often unwittingly introduces even more complications. It’s a common story: Organizations move from on-premises data centers to the cloud to achieve simplicity, […]

Cloud Clients

The biggest obstacle to cloud is people

March 11, 2022

Via: Info World

I can solve most business problems by using technology solutions, but I’ve always said that the hardest part is getting people and company culture behind the true value of the technology. Cloud computing is no different. Failed cloud projects rarely […]

Global Cloud

View cloud architecture through a new optimization lens

January 14, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

As cloud computing architecture comes of age, the ways we define success should mature as well. In 2021, I pointed out that optimizing cloud computing is more of a binary process than an analog one.What I said then is still […]

Global Cloud

3 steps to successful cloud architecture

June 5, 2020

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

Cloud architecture is popping up again as a hot topic. Cloud architects are hard to find, salaries are going up, and many are seeking cloud architecture training. Most architects are really just subject matter experts on a single public cloud […]

Deployment Models, Private Cloud

Accelerite Introduces Dell Hardware To Its Rovius Cloud

January 24, 2018

Via: CRN

Accelerite started shipping Tuesday its Rovius Cloud pre-installed on validated Dell hardware, the startup’s first integrated solution for private cloud deployment. The “lightweight OEM relationship with Dell” simplifies the acquisition process for customers looking to deploy a low-cost, easily scalable […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

4 steps to planning a hybrid cloud deployment

March 24, 2017

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

Think you’re ready to move an application your team has developed to a hybrid cloud environment, but unsure of exactly where to begin? The infographic below from IBM cloudMatrix sets out four key steps to eliminating guesswork and making the […]

Global Cloud

6 key network considerations to take into account before migrating to the cloud

November 10, 2016

Via: Network World Cloud Computing

As organizations shift more workloads to the cloud they increasingly rely on networks and infrastructure they don’t own or directly manage. Yet this infrastructure is just as critical as when applications and services were hosted in the data center. Being […]

Global Cloud

Rethinking Assumptions About the Cloud

June 1, 2016

Via: Data Center Knowledge

Leaps and often times hesitations, followed by even larger leaps toward cloud deployment. But about those hesitations: from fears about IT jobs being outsourced to security concerns and questions about the most effective ways to centrally manage a cloud solution, […]