
Tag: cloud hosting

Global Cloud

Cloud Hosting or Traditional Hosting: Which Hosting Solution is best for Your Business

July 11, 2023

Via: Cloud Tweaks

In the world of web hosting, the age-old question still abides: Which hosting solution is the best for your business? Is it conventional and reliable traditional hosting or modern and flexible cloud hosting? Both hosting options have their advantages and […]

Global Cloud

Cloud vs. Bare Metal is not so clear-cut

November 28, 2022

Via: Cloud Tweaks

Looking for hosting solutions, you’ve definitely come across VPS and dedicated server hosting many times. But in recent years the probability of coming across some other hosting services, namely cloud hosting and bare metal hosting has grown exponentially. If you […]

Global Cloud

European cloud market is being dominated by three big players

September 30, 2022

Via: TechRadar

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, and Google now control nearly three-quarters (72%) of the European enterprise cloud storage market, a new study has claimed. Synergy Research Group found tha, although cloud hosting providers local to the region have seen revenues […]

Global Cloud

DigitalOcean to Acquire Cloudways

August 23, 2022

Via: Cloud Tweaks

DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DOCN), the cloud for developers, startups and SMBs, has entered into an agreement to acquire Cloudways, a leading managed cloud hosting and software as a service (SaaS) provider for SMBs. The acquisition will simplify workflows for small […]

Global Cloud

IBM to offer cloud hosting for S/4HANA

February 10, 2022

Via: CIO

A year ago, SAP offered to simplify migrating to S/4HANA Cloud with its Rise with SAP all-in-one subscription-based service, meaning that enterprises don’t need to separately manage the cost of software licenses, support, and cloud hosting. Customers have still had […]

Global Cloud

How To Ensure Security With Cloud Hosting?

January 12, 2021

Via: CompareTheCloud

Our world will become completely digital in a few years. This is a good thing but also raises some serious questions about data security; every business (be it small or large) needs to be vigilant about data security in this […]

Global Cloud

Cloud Hosting vs Shared Hosting – The Pros and Cons

August 19, 2019

Via: CompareTheCloud

Given the plethora of websites that promote the best cloud hosting and shared hosting solutions, it can be truly overwhelming deciding between the right type of hosting. Some platforms deliberately confuse users by using acronyms that the layman simply wouldn’t […]

Cloud Clients

Managed Services and Cloud Hosting: What the Leading Cloud Hosts Offer

June 9, 2017

Via: Talkin' Cloud

From Rackspace to AWS to Azure, there’s no shortage of cloud hosting platforms available today. One thing that sets them apart is the degree of managed services available from each cloud host. This is a key differentiator that MSPs need […]