
Tag: cloud industry

Service Models

Code-to-cloud: Achieving complete cloud security

November 14, 2023

Via: CSO Online

In the last decade, the technology industry experienced a massive shift toward the cloud where every company no matter the industry developed and deployed cloud-native applications. This pace shows no sign of stopping; we have an app economy – now […]

Global Cloud

CCS urged to do more to make Cloud Compute 2 framework more accessible to SMEs

August 4, 2023

Via: Computer Weekly

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) stands accused of “paying lip service” to smaller suppliers after embarking on a revamp of the “underused” Cloud Compute Framework to make it more accessible to SMEs. The government’s procurement arm is inviting submissions from […]

Global Cloud

5 steps to drive and foster innovation in IT

July 28, 2023

Via: CIO

Tight budgets and labor shortages have remained an ongoing challenge for IT leaders in 2023. As a result, CIOs are looking at ways of doing more with less, while continuing to digitally transform their organizations. How can we free up […]

Global Cloud

Snowflake feels the pinch of tightened cloud spend

May 25, 2023

Via: CIO Dive

While the data cloud company’s software are platform agnostic, its data storage and analytics solutions depend on cloud, a category of enterprise IT spend that came under greater scrutiny as rising inflation and interest rate hikes shook confidence in the […]

Global Cloud

Today’s industry clouds are different

January 17, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Here’s an observation I’ve made many times in my career: If your business is plateauing, it’s time to go vertical. In other words, when you run out of potential market runway, look for horizontally focused products (cross-industries) such as databases, […]

Global Cloud

Cloud Growth will Skyrocket in 2022

May 3, 2022

Via: Cloud Tweaks

This year will be a period of meteoric growth for the cloud industry. Research from Gartner suggests that global spending on public cloud services in 2022 will exceed $480 billion, a 22% increase from last year alone. An increased reliance […]

Global Cloud

Three Steps to a Successful Enterprise Cloud Migration

January 7, 2022

Via: Data Center Knowledge

If there’s any good news to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, at least from an IT perspective, it’s that even more companies have moved to the cloud — or are planning to make the switch. Industry predictions show no […]

Global Cloud

AWS leans into industry clouds, a pitch to better serve the niche

December 2, 2021

Via: CIO Dive

Amazon Web Services, the world’s largest cloud provider, has long celebrated its developer roots, but 15 years in the company’s tone is shifting to tout connections to business and industry. AWS is trying to “elevate the approach so that it […]


The Future of Cloud Is Vertical: A $371 Billion Industry Just One Click Away

August 30, 2021

Via: Natalie Dunn

If you want to deride the cloud industry, you only need to say this: “It’s not a world without a PC, it’s a world where you use someone else’s computer.” And while you would not be wrong, you may be […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

Is Anthos the edge Google needs in enterprise cloud?

August 19, 2020

Via: ZDnet

I’ve been studying the news coming out of Google Cloud Next ’20: On Air, the now digital-only version of their yearly developer conference that’s been spread out over 9 weeks. So far the stand-out has been the new enterprise features, […]

Global Cloud

It looks like Apple is developing new iCloud products and services

May 11, 2020

Via: Computerworld

Despite its importance to Apple’s ecosystem, iCloud has never quite become the cloud industry powerhouse it might have become. But it looks as if the company has plans to change that. Apple is hiring for iCloud The company has been […]

Global Cloud

3 things you should know about cloud security in 2020

March 4, 2020

Via: CIO

The world is now neck-deep in digital. Companies everywhere are trying to conquer the digital universe by revitalizing business models or building new ones from scratch to remain competitive. Much of this action is based on a common foundation: cloud […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

IBM Has Its Head In The Clouds – Motley Fool

November 25, 2019

Via: Cloud Tweaks

IBM (NYSE:IBM), also referred to as Big Blue, has struggled with revenue growth for more than five years. In Oct. 2018, IBM announced its acquisition of Red Hat for $34 billion — IBM’s largest acquisition in its 108-year history. And […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

Jumpstarting your journey to the cloud

June 18, 2018

Via: CompareTheCloud

We’re also seeing more technological advances in the cloud and integration of artificial intelligence (AI), meaning companies are being empowered to make the most of their data to differentiate and find new revenue streams. However, as with the growing popularity […]

Global Cloud

Mainframe or Cloud: It Isn’t An All-or-Nothing Decision

August 31, 2017

Via: Data Center Knowledge

Recently there has been much discussion in IT circles, particularly in government, about the need to modernize legacy technologies and leverage newer alternatives. This desire is at the heart of the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act, which is currently working […]

Global Cloud

Five Tips for Deploying SQL in the Cloud

May 5, 2017

Via: Data Center Knowledge

For many organizations, moving applications that can tolerate brief periods of downtime to the cloud is a straightforward decision with clear benefits. The cost justification is usually easy to figure out and the cloud almost always comes out looking like […]

Global Cloud

Cloud Control, Make it Work For You 

May 3, 2017

Via: CompareTheCloud

The computer industry goes in cycles. First, there was the mainframe. This was guarded by “The Operators” – the high priests of the expensive air conditioned and corporate owned data centre. You submitted a pack of punched cards and if […]