
Tag: cloud operations

Cloud Security

Cisco launches new network, security, and observability solutions and preview generative AI capabilities for Webex and Security Cloud

June 7, 2023

Via: CSO Online

A tremendous number of enterprises and service providers view Cisco as the nexus of their network, security, and cloud operations. At the company’s Cisco Live customer and partner conference in June, Cisco boldly connected the dots of a network- and […]

Global Cloud

How generative AI can hurt cloud operations

April 7, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Generative AI can generate new content, and it’s been heralded as a groundbreaking technology with the potential to transform various industries. However, those working in the cloudops world who will be charged with running generative AI systems long term are […]

Global Cloud

Cisco simplifies cloud-management licensing

February 28, 2023

Via: Network World

Looking to simplify the way enterprises buy its software, Cisco has streamlined the licensing scheme for its Intersight cloud-operations management platform. The SaaS-delivered Intersight package manages a variety of systems from Kubernetes containers to applications, servers, and hyperconverged environments from […]

Global Cloud

The good and bad of ‘zero-touch’ cloud operations

February 14, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Zero-touch cloud operations is the concept of automating cloud operations (cloudops) processes to minimize the need for human intervention. Specifically, it involves automating the deployment, configuration, scaling, monitoring, and resolution of issues on all cloud platforms (public and private), and […]

Global Cloud

What observability means for cloud operations

November 11, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

Observability is one of those concepts being tossed about these days in the tech press and at cloud computing conferences. Everyone has a definition of what it is and how it’s used. No two are the same. Observability seems to […]

Global Cloud

Cloud Economics – Leveraging Business Value Through Cloud

September 7, 2022

Via: CIO

Today, the metric for success of cloud native services is measured by cost efficiency, business agility, and the speed of business transformation. Cloud has become more than a technology transformation driver; it is now recognized as a business transformation accelerator. […]

Global Cloud

Why Application Dependency Mapping Tools Are Critical for Cloud Operations

August 16, 2022

Via: Cloud Tweaks

Modern software development teams use fast-paced DevOps work processes. However, the complexity of modern software applications often gets in the way. A typical enterprise software project has thousands of components, many of them third-party and open source components that are […]

Global Cloud

How to Avoid the Leading Cloud Migration Mistakes

June 21, 2021

Via: InformationWeek

Moving from on-site servers to the cloud is a complex process that demands careful planning and a thorough understanding of both cloud operations and vendor requirements. It also helps to avoid falling victim to one or more of the common […]

Global Cloud

Is it possible to automate all of cloud operations?

June 4, 2021

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

As I move from project to project, I’ve seen the latest trend is to leverage operational tools, such as AIops and security operations platforms to automate most of what it takes to proactively operate a cloud, hybrid cloud, or multicloud […]

Global Cloud

Cloudops tools: More is not better

July 10, 2020

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

Cloud operations, or cloudops, is becoming the problem to solve as enterprises operationalize their cloud and multicloud deployments. The ideal pattern of management involves a pragmatic approach to operations by leveraging tools to automate predetermined procedures and runbooks. Right now, […]

Cloud Clients

Create a productive cloudops feedback loop

October 18, 2019

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

One of the most frustrating things that can happen when you’re on a cloudops team is having end users go directly to your leadership to complain about some issue with the cloud-based systems. It could be performance, lack of some […]

Global Cloud

2 things you probably forgot in cloudops planning

August 6, 2019

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

The focus of cloud operations, or cloudops, should be to create processes, approaches, and tool stacks that will allow you to run cloud-based systems long term, with no outages and a high degree of business satisfaction. Your ability to serve […]

Global Cloud

Cloudops: The neglected part of cloud migration

July 31, 2018

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

It’s 2:00 a.m. A pager goes off in a suburban home. A bleary-eyed woman makes her way to a terminal hooked up to a 1200-baud modem. She works until 6:00 a.m. to fix the system problem remotely, this time just […]