
Tag: cloud revolution

Global Cloud

Breaking Barriers with the Cloud: How Computing is Unlocking New Business Horizons

March 7, 2023

Via: Cloud Tweaks

The ever-increasing rate of global cloud adoption is enough to predict that cloud computing will soon become the need of the hour. Whether we talk about the finance industry, retail, or healthcare, everyone is leveraging the cloud to deliver the […]

Deployment Models, Others

Why Cloud Native is the Second Cloud Revolution

March 31, 2022

Via: eWeek

Cloud native is of one of those terms that caught the wave of tech press hype. The term is so hot right now that some companies are “cloud native washing” their products and services to ride the cloud native wave. […]

Global Cloud

7 cloud myths debunked

March 27, 2019

Via: CIO

Myths can be fun and entertaining when they involve the exploits of ancient gods and heroes. The amusement stops quickly, however, when a myth hampers IT or enterprise success. So it goes with the stubborn misconceptions that delay or prevent […]