
Tag: Cloud server


Migrating from on-premise to cloud server with best practice measures

June 20, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

Technology evolves rapidly, and none more so than software. AI has usurped the Cloud’s position as the darling of the internet age, and so it would come as a surprise to learn that globally, cloud adoption is still relatively slow. […]

Cloud Security

Half-Billion Compromised Credentials Lurking on Open Cloud Server

December 21, 2021

Via: Threat Post

According to the National Crime Agency’s National Cyber Crime Unit in the U.K., nearly 586 million sets of credentials had been collected in a compromised cloud storage facility, free for the taking by any cybercrime yahoo who happened to stop […]

Cloud Security, Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

5 Cloud Security Must-Haves in 2021

March 24, 2021

Via: Security Intelligence

Organizations undertaking the move to the cloud face a blizzard of sometimes confusing buzzwords. There’s hybrid cloud, multicloud, digital transformation, microservices and so much more. While these terms can be confusing, the key element to keep in mind is that […]

Global Cloud

Cloud servers hacked via critical SaltStack vulnerabilities

May 4, 2020

Via: CSO Online

Attackers are exploiting two critical vulnerabilities disclosed late last week in the popular SaltStack infrastructure automation software to take control of servers. Several organizations and open-source projects already had their servers hacked and had to shut down services over the […]