
Tag: cloud sovereignty

Cloud Security

Due diligence is Ever More Critical as the Battle for Cloud Sovereignty Intensifies

April 28, 2023

Via: CIO

The IT industry has recently seen some interesting activity from global hyperscale cloud providers surrounding their cloud sovereignty ambitions, and their scrutiny by the regulators covering some basics compliance requirements, like the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). […]

Service Models

Sovereign Cloud: What’s Under The Hood Of Cloud Delivery Models And Business Strategies

December 7, 2022

Via: Cloud Tweaks

Businesses and government organizations have realized that 100% cloud sovereignty is necessary. What is 100% cloud sovereignty? Why can you ignore it when moving to the cloud? This post uncovers the aspects of sovereign cloud and how businesses can ensure […]

Deployment Models, Public Cloud

Enterprise interest in sovereign cloud on the rise, Capgemini research suggests

July 13, 2022

Via: Computer Weekly

Interest in adopting sovereign cloud services for regulatory compliance and data control reasons looks set to soar among enterprises in the coming years, suggests data from the Capgemini Research Institute. According to the Institute’s The journey to cloud sovereignty: Assessing […]