
Tag: IT strategy

Service Models

The cloud is not a slam dunk platform for generative AI

April 23, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

As I’ve been saying for the past year or so, cloud conferences have become generative AI conferences, as have data center conferences, databases conferences, and you name it. It’s clearly more than just a trend—it’s a game-changing push. But we’ve […]

Service Models

Oracle makes its pitch for the enterprise cloud. Should CIOs listen?

April 11, 2024

Via: CIO

In a cloud market dominated by three vendors, once cloud-denier Oracle is making a push for enterprise share gains, announcing expanded offerings and customer wins across the globe, including Japan, Mexico, and the Middle East. But with Amazon Web Services […]

Deployment Models, Public Cloud

Why public cloud providers are cutting egress fees

March 15, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Public cloud providers are often loathed for charging data transfer or “egress fees” for removing data from a specific cloud provider. If you move data out of a cloud provider, there’s a cost; for instance, you move inventory data from […]

Global Cloud

The only CIO resolution that matters

December 26, 2023

Via: CIO

In many communities, December is a month set aside for reflection. To wit, across nearly every discipline, one finds magnum opuses entitled “Lessons Learned” or “The Year in Review” as the year draws to a close. Such exercises are valuable […]

Global Cloud

Half of cloud transformations are ‘abject failures’

November 8, 2023

Via: CIO Dive

Enterprise enthusiasm for cloud and its promise of streamlined, unified and agile operations has been tempered over the last year by failures to extract business value, according to a recent HFS Research report. While nearly two-thirds of organizations have made […]

Global Cloud

How to mitigate against inflation’s impact on your IT budget

December 12, 2022

Via: CIO Dive

With inflation hitting a 40-year high and a global recession on the cards, there’s no hiding away from the fact that costs are on the rise across the board. Subsequently, CIOs are being tasked with evaluating, justifying and ultimately reducing […]

Global Cloud

AWS pledges to help customers trim their cloud bills

October 28, 2022

Via: CIO Dive

Despite the click-click of belt tightening and the snip-snip of budget trimming, enterprise cloud spend continues to rise. It’s just not growing at the neck-breaking pace of recent years. In part, that dynamic accounts for Amazon’s underperformance during the three-month […]

Cloud Clients

3 things your cloud finops program needs

September 13, 2022

Via: Info World

These days cloud computing costs typically run about 20% of total IT spending. An enterprise only needs one outrageous cloud bill to wake up and smell the waste. That’s why cloud spending now receives much more scrutiny, and enterprises demand […]

Global Cloud

Bringing Industry Cloud to Your Company: What CIOs Need to Know

June 20, 2022

Via: InformationWeek

Cloud was originally conceived of to virtualize network, storage, and compute in a generalized sense. Subsequent innovations have added services to the cloud portfolio in terms of broad applicability without regard for the nuances, concentration and domain needs of specific […]

Global Cloud

Approach cloud architecture from the outside in

April 15, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

It’s the last three weeks of a 22-month cloud architecture project. You defined and designed a configuration that defines many cloud computing resources: databases, artificial intelligence engines, application development platforms, devops toolchains, cloudops tools, as well as security and governance. […]

Global Cloud

A closer look at traditional solutions and cloud

April 8, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

Throughout my career, I’ve rarely fallen for the hype around emerging technologies. Historically, I’ve learned that it pays to take a skeptical approach and make sure the technology can prove its worth on its own. I pay attention, but I […]

Cloud Clients

The biggest obstacle to cloud is people

March 11, 2022

Via: Info World

I can solve most business problems by using technology solutions, but I’ve always said that the hardest part is getting people and company culture behind the true value of the technology. Cloud computing is no different. Failed cloud projects rarely […]

Global Cloud

Signing up with a cloud provider? Don’t forget to set an exit plan

February 22, 2022

Via: Computerworld

In my last post, I wrote about a cloud platform (Rackspace) that made leaving its environment impressively difficult. So it makes sense now to explore ways companies can better prepare for an exit — and precisely how to exit when […]

Global Cloud

Why businesses require fluid cloud strategies

February 11, 2022

Via: CIO Dive

Picture this: you’re the CIO of an enterprise. Five years ago, you chose one cloud platform and migrated all your tools, applications, and technology capabilities. Today, everything is still operating as planned – with your technology smoothly integrated and maximized […]

Global Cloud

5 steps for finding value in the cloud

February 2, 2022

Via: CIO

There are always growing pains associated with new technology—and the cloud is no exception. Many companies have made big investments but have been disappointed with the results. But giving up is not really an option: the cloud could generate as […]

Global Cloud

The forces behind enterprise cloud spending trends

January 21, 2022

Via: InfoWorld

Global spending on cloud infrastructure rebounded in the third quarter of 2021 after its first quarterly decline since the pandemic triggered a massive increase in cloud spending. According to researcher IDC, spending on cloud infrastructure environments increased 6.6% year on […]

Service Models

5 trends shaping enterprise SaaS use in 2022

January 6, 2022

Via: CIO Dive

SaaS shapes how companies operate, from back-office procurement or payroll to automated manufacturing processes. In 2022, companies will use SaaS to enable operations, with productivity tools taking up the largest share of the overall software budgets for 2022, according to […]

Global Cloud

The best way to go ‘all in’ on cloud

October 11, 2021

Via: Info World

In 2015 Capital One CIO Rob Alexander took the AWS re:Invent stage to declaim the company’s independence from its traditional data centers, shifting instead to a reliance on AWS to run its infrastructure. The company went from eight data centers […]

Global Cloud

‘Why cloud computing?’ is always a good question

August 20, 2021

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

These days the people who ask “Why cloud?” often get treated as if they’re thick witted. Those who play devil’s advocate often get pushed aside when their uncomfortable questions force others to justify their use of cloud (or any new […]

Global Cloud

Why the cloud is so complicated—an explanation, not an excuse

August 10, 2021

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

It’s not news that I’ve beat the cloud complexity drum for the past several years. Complexity is rarely an issue when a company first implements a cloud architecture, so many people on staff don’t feel an urgent need to deal […]