
Tag: COVID-19

Cloud Clients

JetBlue optimizes data operations with shift to the cloud

November 2, 2022

Via: CIO

The air travel industry has dealt with significant change and uncertainty in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, JetBlue Airways decided its competitive advantage depended on IT — in particular, on transforming its data stack to consolidate data […]

Global Cloud

5 Tech Trends for 2022: Digital Transformation, Cloud and Talent Wars

January 5, 2022

Via: eWeek

Every December, I spend time thinking about where the software ecosystem will go over the year ahead. For the past decade, that’s meant focusing on cloud computing, as it’s long been the dominant software trend. The past year, however, (and […]

Global Cloud

Head In The Clouds: The Importance of Cloud Data Encryption

December 10, 2021

Via: Compare the Cloud

For several years, the rate of cloud adoption has been steadily growing as businesses of all sizes realise its numerous cost and productivity benefits. The emergence of COVID-19 and the ongoing disruption to traditional office-orientated business models, however, have driven […]

Global Cloud

10 Top Skills for Cloud Computing

November 8, 2021

Via: InformationWeek

These days, working in IT usually means working in the cloud. While the migration toward cloud computing was already well under way before anyone had ever heard of COVID-19, the global pandemic sped up the trend. Widespread lockdowns meant that […]

Global Cloud

Amazon, Google and Microsoft Pile On Public Cloud Fortunes

November 1, 2021

Via: Data Center Knowledge

There’s no slowing down in sight for the big three public cloud providers, as they all once again reported growth in the third quarter of calendar 2021. Demand for public cloud services continues to grow, as evidenced by the strong […]

Cloud Security, Global Cloud

Cloud computing, security or more developers? Here’s where the tech budget is being spent next

September 1, 2021

Via: ZDnet

We closed the 2020 edition of this article by noting ongoing uncertainty about how the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting economic recession, would play out. At the time (August 2020), vaccines were in development but had not yet been deployed […]

Global Cloud

The Cloud Comes of Age Amid Unprecedented Change

May 10, 2021

Via: InformationWeek

During the pandemic, the cloud has emerged as the fastest and most resilient method to keep businesses and communities running. From working and attending school remotely, to shopping online and interacting with our health provider, cloud services have enabled it […]

Global Cloud

5 Reasons Open Source Is Critical To Going Cloud Native

May 7, 2021

Via: InformationWeek

COVID-19 accelerated the drive to enterprise modernization with cloud native. Corporate boards ramped up their digital initiatives, according to Gartner, beefing up online services for consumers and employees. Consultant McKinsey reckons we’ve vaulted years ahead on digital transformation, with one […]

Global Cloud

Akamai aims to improve COVID-19 registrations, integrates Vaccine Edge with Salesforce’s Vaccine Cloud

March 30, 2021

Via: ZDnet

Akamai Technologies is launching Akamai Vaccine Edge, a system that will keep online COVID-19 vaccine registration systems running. The company said it has developed Akamai Vaccine Edge for Salesforce’s Vaccine Cloud. As anyone who has registered for a COVID-19 vaccine […]

Global Cloud

AI Must Play a Role in Data Cloud Management

March 15, 2021

Via: InformationWeek

The disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic highlights how critical it is to continually seek new approaches to survive, corner competition, and empower business futures ahead of major market disruptions. Given the modern demands of technology to deliver on a wide […]

Global Cloud

How we’ll use cloud when we go back to work

February 2, 2021

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

We’ve lived through pandemics before, and the silver lining is that they eventually go away. Remote work was not a reaction to the COVID-19 crisis; it’s been an option for many during the past several years—and one that most people […]

Global Cloud

With COVID-19 hanging on, migration to the cloud accelerates

November 12, 2020

Via: Network World Cloud Computing

With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of abating, migration to the cloud is expected to accelerate as enterprises choose to let someone else worry about their server gear. In its global IT outlook for 2021 and beyond, IDC predicts […]

Global Cloud

How do VPN vs. cloud services compare for remote work?

November 11, 2020

Via: Computer Weekly

In early 2020, many IT departments rushed to handle the major uptick in remote employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the most part, administrators pulled off the impossible and successfully provided the digital resources their employees needed. As the […]

Global Cloud

SAP shares fall sharply after COVID-19 cuts revenue, profit forecast at software giant

October 26, 2020

Via: Tech Crunch

SAP announced its Q3 earnings yesterday, with its aggregate results down across the board. And after missing earnings expectations, the company also revised its 2021 outlook down. The combined bad news spooked investors, crashing its shares by over 20% in […]

Global Cloud

How to manage cloud migration remotely

October 20, 2020

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

It’s Monday morning standup, and 22 faces spread across your screen on yet another Zoom call. The focus is on the day’s tasks, as well as looking at problems that need solving. Unique to this experience is that just seven […]

Global Cloud

Applying Cloud to Strategic Resilience Efforts

October 7, 2020

Via: CIO

VUCA. It’s an oft-used phrase that applies now more than ever. Volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous are certainly not overstatements in today’s swiftly changing economy. Yet, despite declines in global IT spending, investment in cloud services is surging, as companies […]

Cloud Clients

Cisco: Making remote users feel at home on the new enterprise network

August 27, 2020

Via: Network World Cloud Computing

When Covid-19 reared its ugly head earlier this year it altered the way millions of corporate workers access enterprise resources. Now that it’s obvious those changes in many cases are going to be more permanent than originally thought, many customers […]

Global Cloud

Mitigate Ransomware Across All Locations with Cloud File Storage

June 18, 2020

Via: Nasuni

As COVID-19 continues to spread, and users spend more hours working online, it should come as no surprise that malware authors are trying to exploit the pandemic. Weaker controls at home, and more users clicking on COVID-19-themed ransomware “lure” emails […]

Global Cloud

A pragmatic approach to the post-pandemic run on cloud computing

June 2, 2020

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

It’s no secret that the recent COVID-19 pandemic has spurred increased cloud spending, and we’re starting to see the data. Most recent is a survey by Flexera of 750 executives, where more than half (59 percent) said their cloud usage […]

Deployment Models, Public Cloud

How the cloud will support colleges and universities post-pandemic

May 19, 2020

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

Even before COVID-19, education technology experienced high growth, with global edtech investments reaching $18.66 billion in 2019. The overall market for online education is projected to reach $350 billion by 2025. But these numbers are now being “reimagined.” Language apps, […]