
Tag: LLMs

Global Cloud

Kubernetes shows the way forward for AI

June 10, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

The term “inflection point” is overused, but it certainly applies to the current state of artificial intelligence. Technology providers—and the companies that depend on them—can choose one of two roads to AI development: proprietary or open source. This dichotomy has […]

Global Cloud

Understanding the generative AI development process

May 13, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Back in the ancient days of machine learning, before you could use large language models (LLMs) as foundations for tuned models, you essentially had to train every possible machine learning model on all of your data to find the best […]

Cloud Security

Is your cloud security strategy ready for LLMs?

February 8, 2024

Via: CSO Online

The aggressive use of large language models (LLMs) across enterprise environments in 2024 presents a new headache for CISOs. LLMs have their own cybersecurity challenges, especially with data leakage. The cloud has its own issues, with cloud platform providers making […]

Cloud Clients

Spotify and Google Cloud expand tech partnership for AI-led user experience improvement push

November 16, 2023

Via: Computer Weekly

Music streaming service Spotify is digging deeper into the portfolio of its long-standing technology partner Google Cloud to explore how its artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools can help boost the experience for its 574 million-strong user base. Since […]

Global Cloud

Exploring the pros and cons of cloud-based large language models

October 24, 2023

Via: CIO

The paradigm shift towards the cloud has dominated the technology landscape, providing organizations with stronger connectivity, efficiency, and scalability. As a result of ongoing cloud adoption, developers face increased pressures to rapidly create and deploy applications in support of their […]

Service Models

What is Salesforce AI Cloud: Should you subscribe?

June 13, 2023

Via: CIO

Salesforce’s new AI Cloud has left many baffled over what it’s all about — how it is different from the competition, what’s new in the offering, and whether one should consider subscribing. Analysts predict there could only be a few […]

Global Cloud

Large language models are the new cloud battleground

April 17, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Two months ago, Amazon didn’t make a single mention of AI on its earnings call (Google and Microsoft mentioned AI dozens of times each). This past week, by contrast, the company’s cloud division, Amazon Web Services (AWS), could talk about […]