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The Cloud Is Not a Location

October 26, 2021

Via: CIO

Many customers I’ve spoken to think of the cloud as a location—specifically, the public cloud—a place to go to unlock speed, agility, and increased innovation for their development and IT organization. They look to the public cloud to give them the power to instantly spin up resources when needed—and shut them down when they’re not.

Since this became popular with the rise of public clouds, these customers think the public cloud is the only place they can take advantage of managed services and automation to reduce the burden of operating their own infrastructure. As I’ve had these conversations, it’s clear that they are associating the benefits of agility, speed, and rapid innovation with the location where they were first achieving those benefits. They looked to the public cloud to give them the flexibility to rapidly pivot their applications—or even their entire businesses—as the market, or business, needs changed.

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