
Tag: FinOps

Service Models

Common Cloud FinOps Mistakes that Might Prove Costly

April 29, 2024

Via: Cloud Tweaks

Remember when FinOps was just a trendy term? Fast forward to today, and it’s a booming $5.5 billion market, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 34.8% between 2023 and 2025. The trend towards adopting a cloud FinOps, […]

Service Models

Cloud FinOps in the Age of AI: Key Trends

March 20, 2024

Via: Cloud Tweaks

AI Era: Key Trends In Cloud FinOps Cloud FinOps goes beyond simply saving money on cloud costs; it’s a comprehensive strategy to unlock the full business value of cloud operations. It fosters financial accountability for cloud spending across all organizational […]

Cloud Security

Kubernetes cloud costs spike as overprovisioning persists

February 28, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

As organizations migrate more workloads, the pressure to keep a lid on cloud cost intensifies. Enterprises prioritized optimization in 2023, leaning on providers to deliver better usage data and implementing FinOps practices to track and trim spending. Kubernetes, the open […]

Global Cloud

What’s going on with cloud finops?

February 27, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Hey, remember finops? Cost optimization? According to most surveys, it was a big deal in 2023, but you never would have known it, considering the amount of AI noise out there. The State of FinOps is an annual survey conducted […]

Global Cloud

Cloud waste, hyperscaler discounts shape FinOps priorities

February 23, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

FinOps emerged in response to a critical mass of alarming cloud bills, as enterprises struggled to tie escalating costs to projected efficiency gains, product development and revenue. Practitioners initially focused on equipping engineering teams with tools to curb usage and […]

Global Cloud

Can FinOps save cloud from itself in 2024?

January 22, 2024

Via: CIO Dive

Taming cloud costs is a two-headed beast. Executives must grapple with access governance, usage controls and data access to curb overprovisioning, while also leaning on vendors to reduce billing complexity and provide greater cost structure transparency. For tech leaders, the […]

Cloud Security

How finops can make the cloud more secure

January 12, 2024

Via: InfoWorld

Cloud finops is the discipline of accounting for and optimizing cloud computing spending. It’s a reaction to years of undisciplined cloud spending or a way to bring order back to using cloud resources. Overall, it is a step in the […]

Global Cloud

How FinOps and AI Curb Escalating Cloud Costs

January 4, 2024

Via: eWeek

A new report from Tangoe sheds light on FinOps implementations, artificial intelligence, and how to improve cloud costs and financial predictability. Cloud has taken every industry by storm. But the report shows that, despite the apparent benefits, “a variety of […]

Global Cloud

FinOps is the discipline enterprises need to optimize cloud spending

October 16, 2023

Via: CIO

Signing up for cloud services is easy. But getting control of cloud spending can be a persistent challenge for an enterprise focused on making the most of its technology investment. Gartner predicted worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services would […]

Global Cloud

How to tell if your cloud finops program is working

August 11, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Currently, most enterprises don’t have a formal cloud computing finops program. They may have loosely coupled manual processes, such as cost accounting connected to cloud use, but no accurate monitoring and governance value yet. Finops should not be optional. Although […]

Global Cloud

6 finops best practices to reduce cloud costs

June 12, 2023

Via: InfoWorld

Some devops teams wait to optimize their applications for cost considerations until reports and invoices show higher-than-expected charges, or when cloud costs scale faster than expected. Others carefully consider the cost to run and scale infrastructure during a project’s design […]

Global Cloud

FinOps Foundation moves to create a common language for cloud bills

May 3, 2023

Via: CIO Dive

The new specifications aim to ease cloud migrations by reducing billing complexity and the overhead tied to vendor chargebacks and inefficient allocations. As cloud adopters struggle to control spending on infrastructure, software and other “as a Service” features, many organizations […]

Global Cloud

Unpredictability and the Unfulfilled Promise of Cloud Discount Programs 

April 19, 2023

Via: Cloud Tweaks

As companies seek to cut cloud costs, more are looking to take advantage of the saving opportunities provided by AWS discount offerings and avoid paying the hefty price tag for On-Demand. But what is a realistic level of savings? For […]

Cloud Clients

When finops costs you more in the end

February 21, 2023

Via: Info World

It’s always healthy to take a critical view of any new technology or approach, and cloud finops (financial operations) is no different. As we’re learning about what finops does well, we’re also learning about what needs to be worked on. […]

Global Cloud

How Does a Service Mesh Impact Your Cloud Costs? A FinOps Perspective

January 24, 2023

Via: Cloud Tweaks

A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for microservices-based applications that makes communication between service instances flexible, reliable, and fast. It provides features such as traffic management, service discovery, load balancing, and security. It typically uses a sidecar proxy […]

Global Cloud

What is FinOps? Your guide to cloud cost management

December 27, 2022

Via: CIO

With the cloud becoming such an integral part of the IT strategies of so many enterprises, it’s natural that managing the expense of all these services would be an emerging priority for executives. Although the cloud is touted by providers […]

Global Cloud

FinOps Foundation joins The Linux Foundation to nail down best cloud financial practices

June 29, 2020

Via: ZDnet

At the virtual Open Source Summit, The Linux Foundation announced it was joining forces with the FinOps Foundation. Their mutual goal is to advance the discipline of FinOps through best practices, education, and standards. FinOps combines systems, best practices, and […]