
Category: Uncategorized


Cisco, AWS strengthen ties between cloud-management products

November 28, 2023

Via: Network World

Look, it’s not you, it’s me. And right now, you need to give me some space. No, not the space in your data center, I’m not quite ready to commit on a deeper level. I need my own space, on […]


Why ‘Cloud’ Should Be A Skill In This Age of Automation

July 27, 2020

Via: Cloud Tweaks

Many still think that cloud computing is an online method to store data. However, cloud computing is much more than that. It is the delivery of SaaS computing services like storage, servers, databases, software, etc. over the Internet. The cloud […]


Okta hits new cloud reliability milestone

July 2, 2020

Via: ZDnet

Okta, the cloud-based identity management firm, said Thursday that it can officially promise all of its customers 99.99 percent uptime at no additional cost. While the high level of cloud reliability will benefit all customers, it should help Okta in […]

Service Models, Uncategorized

Informatica doubles down on the cloud data pipeline

January 13, 2020

Via: ZDnet

Over the past few years, we’ve been focusing our research on how cloud-native architecture has transformed databases. By separating compute from storage, database providers have been able to simplify operation through serverless deployment; improve service levels by leveraging fast interconnects […]

Global Cloud, Uncategorized

Do you know what your cloud use really costs?

May 16, 2019

Via: CIO

In these days of cloud services and BYOD, you can’t always tell what you’re spending on IT by looking at purchasing agreements. You can start by asking your finance team, but if you’re a large company you don’t want to […]


How to stay grounded when cloud is all you see

February 14, 2019

Via: TechRadar

Any modern business knows cloud is the future. We are told over and over again of the need to embrace cloud to move at speed, provide scalable infrastructure, and meet the on-demand needs of customers. A recent report from IDC […]


How to secure SaaS: Understanding the clouds security layers

May 4, 2018

Via: InfoWorld Cloud Computing

When you address security in the cloud for your enterprise use, you need to think of it in several layers: Layer 0 is the primary IaaS cloud on which everything else runs; typically, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud […]


Data security and the cloud: Earn trust by putting your customers in control

April 10, 2017

Via: Network World Cloud Computing

Data is one of the most valuable assets a modern business holds. When a company decides to move to the cloud, data security and privacy become a natural and top concern for management. That concern stems largely from discomfort: Businesses […]


Salesforce debuts chatbot building tools

October 10, 2016

Via: Computerworld

Companies have another set of tools at their disposal to build chatbots. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff has begun touting a new LiveMessage service that’s aimed at connecting his company’s Service Cloud with messaging services like Facebook Messenger and SMS. Benioff […]


Watson’s the name, data’s the game

October 10, 2016

Via: Network World Cloud Computing

There’s a data expert making a name for himself in the corporate world today, and he’s attracting a lot of attention. He’s a lightning-fast learner, he speaks eight languages and he’s considered an expert in multiple fields. He’s got an […]


Why it takes a cloud service to manage cloud services

October 6, 2016

Via: Network World Cloud Computing

How many cloud services is your business using right now? Whatever number you came up with, the real number is probably two or three times higher, says Eric Christopher, CEO of SaaS management platform Zylo. “We go to customers and […]


Tour a Microsoft Data Center to Learn More about the Microsoft Cloud

October 5, 2016

Via: Talkin' Cloud

A running joke when it comes to cloud computing and services is that the cloud is just someone else’s computer. This is quite accurate however, the computers that are hosting your cloud storage and providing you other services from Microsoft […]


Are you an enthusiast of serverless business solutions?

June 9, 2016

Via: James Hughes

Serverless framework or serverless architecture represents a way of bypassing a suite of server-related delays or complications, which proves extremely useful for businesses dealing with applications and application development. As a professional serverless development and consultancy brand summarizes, this concept […]


Heterogeneous multi-dimensional cloud security

February 11, 2016

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

According to ESG research, 75% of organizations use public cloud services of one kind or another today (note: I am an ESG employee). A majority (65%) use SaaS, 38% use IaaS, and 33% use PaaS. In terms of IaaS, Amazon […]


Google’s Cloud Platform Supporting Startups

January 15, 2016

Via: Cloud Tweaks

Google’s Cloud Platform offers startups a range of benefits, including $100,000 in Cloud Platform credit for one year, targeted at those startups which meet specific criteria such as having annual revenues of less than $500,000 and being in an approved […]


Behind The Numbers: Synergy Research Breaks Down $110B Cloud Market

January 14, 2016

Via: CRN

Companies selling cloud services and infrastructure raked in a whopping $110 billion during the four fiscal quarters (Q4 2014 through Q3 2015) that ended last September, according to Synergy Research Group. Those sales amount to highly respectable year-over-year industry growth […]


IoT and Proximity Intelligence

January 11, 2016

Via: Cloud Expo

Beacon technology offers a new way for companies to deliver value to their customers by enabling micro-location based interaction at every physical touch point. This knowledge opens up a new playground for creating personalized services and inventing new experiences between […]


Amazon Announces General Availability for WorkMail GA Platform

January 6, 2016

Via: Talkin' Cloud

On Monday, Amazon (AMZN) announced the general availability of WorkMail, the company’s cloud-based email and calendar platform, with the addition of several new features. The platform, which was first announced one year ago, is being marketed as Amazon’s alternative to […]


Study Details State of Cloud Computing in 2015

December 30, 2015

Via: Talkin' Cloud

There’s no denying that the cloud has had a profound and measurable impact on many modern IT businesses and service providers, but sometimes it is difficult to get a 10,000 foot view of the industry as a whole to determine […]


Data Centers in 2016: Vendor Predictions

December 23, 2015

Via: Data Center Knowledge

Every year starting around mid-November we get flooded with emails from vendors in the data center market (and outside of it) with their predictions for the following year. Some are interesting, some aren’t, and most are of course self-serving. We’ve […]