Data Security

Managing BYOC Risks: Enhancing Corporate Security in the Cloud Era
Cloud Security & Compliance Managing BYOC Risks: Enhancing Corporate Security in the Cloud Era

A few generations back, when the Internet was still an unknown commodity and inter-office mail came around in manila envelopes graffitied with the crossed-out signatures of every recipient that envelope had ever met, network security was largely an in-house affair with data tapes and mainframes

July 30, 2024
How Can Businesses Secure Their Cloud Workloads Effectively?
Cloud Security & Compliance How Can Businesses Secure Their Cloud Workloads Effectively?

As businesses continue their digital transformation journeys, cloud computing has become an integral part of modern operations. Transitioning to cloud environments offers numerous advantages, including scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency. However, this shift also introduces new security

July 30, 2024
Strengthening Private Cloud Security with Zero Trust Architecture Principles
Cloud Security & Compliance Strengthening Private Cloud Security with Zero Trust Architecture Principles

In an era where cyber threats are evolving rapidly and becoming increasingly sophisticated, traditional security models are no longer sufficient to protect sensitive data and critical applications. This is especially true for enterprises utilizing private clouds that house abundant sensitive data

July 15, 2024
Can Command Zero Simplify Cybersecurity Investigations With AI?
Cloud Security & Compliance Can Command Zero Simplify Cybersecurity Investigations With AI?

In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, the complexity of investigating incidents is a perennial challenge. The growing sophistication of cyber threats demands expertise and significant manual effort to parse through logs and analyze data, exacerbating a persistent skills gap in the industry.

July 10, 2024
Are Companies Truly Prepared for the Rising Threats to Cloud Security?
Cloud Security & Compliance Are Companies Truly Prepared for the Rising Threats to Cloud Security?

As cloud technology becomes indispensable for corporate environments, the security of data stored in these platforms has escalated to a top concern. However, the increasing migration of sensitive corporate data to the cloud invites an array of cyber threats. This article investigates whether

July 5, 2024
Enhancing Public Cloud Security: Strategies, Technologies, and Trends
Cloud Security & Compliance Enhancing Public Cloud Security: Strategies, Technologies, and Trends

With the increasing adoption of cloud-based IT infrastructure, platform services, and applications, public cloud security has become a vital concern for businesses. As organizations migrate more data and applications to the cloud, ensuring the safety and integrity of these resources becomes

July 1, 2024

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