
Tag: IBM Cloud

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

IBM cloud service aims to deliver secure, multicloud connectivity

December 7, 2023

Via: Network World

IBM has delivered a SaaS package it has been developing to help enterprises connect and secure multicloud resources. The service, IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh, implements a virtualized networking environment to rapidly enable secure connectivity between users, applications, and data distributed […]

Global Cloud

Big clouds aren’t always the right fit for small businesses

August 9, 2022

Via: Computerworld

Usually, when it comes to a business cloud decision, you’re going to go with one of the big players: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Services, IBM Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. You know their names. But the bigger clouds aren’t […]

Deployment Models, Public Cloud

IBM To Offer z/OS App Development and Testing in Its Public Cloud

February 14, 2022

Via: Data Center Knowledge

IBM is planning to offer its experimental cloud-based mainframe application development and testing platform as a commercial service. Called Wazi as-a-Service (Wazi aaS), it delivers z/OS-based virtual server instances using IBM Cloud’s logically isolated Virtual Private Cloud infrastructure. IBM says […]

Global Cloud

A Look Inside IBM Cloud for VMware Regulated Workloads

September 8, 2021

Via: CIO

Financial institutions face challenges from every corner, whether it’s the scrutiny of regulators or the schemes of sophisticated cybercriminals determined to extort and steal. And if that wasn’t enough, the financial services landscape is more competitive than ever, with agile […]

Deployment Models, Global Cloud, Hybrid Cloud

IBM Cloud Satellite brings secure hybrid cloud services to any environment

March 4, 2021

Via: TechRadar

IBM customers will now be able to use its hybrid cloud services from any environment and on any cloud, on premises or even at the edge with the launch of IBM Cloud Satellite. The tech giant also worked with Lumen […]

Global Cloud

IBM takes the next step with Cloud Pak for Data

November 23, 2020

Via: ZDnet

Ever since IBM unveiled Cloud Pak for Data as a cloud-native integrated set of analytics and AI platform, we’ve been wondering when IBM would take the next step and announce a full-blown managed cloud service. It’s now starting to happen […]

Deployment Models, Public Cloud

IBM Cloud Satellite brings IBM public cloud on premises

May 5, 2020

Via: ZDnet

While IBM’s primary cloud message over the past few years has been about multi-cloud, it has continued to offer its own public cloud and has targeted it at complex enterprise workloads that typically run on mainframes or other systems. Among […]

Service Models

Driving innovation for connected cars using IBM Cloud

February 4, 2020

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

Cars have always been built for travel, but the experience of driving has changed dramatically over the last few decades. Today’s connected cars are not only equipped with seamless internet, but usually have a wireless local area network (WLAN) that […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

Accessible bookcast streaming service becomes securely available on IBM Cloud

January 30, 2020

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

Accessible entertainment isn’t often easily accessible. The mainstream entertainment industry doesn’t cater to people who can’t see or hear well; people with PTSD, autism or epilepsy; or those who are learning English as a second language. These population segments can […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud, Service Models

SteelHouse cuts application deployment time in half with IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

December 9, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

People who are shopping, researching, or doing anything at all online don’t want to be held up by a website that takes a long time to load. And, ads are one of the most common reasons for poor website performance. […]

Cloud Clients, Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

Asteria builds liquidity management solution for SMBs on IBM Cloud

August 19, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

Small businesses operating with lean teams face many challenges, including being distracted by paperwork and planning. These tasks are necessary, but shift focus away from the actual work of the business. Company owners might worry about questions such as What […]

Cloud Clients

Chatmantics improves customer experiences by replacing call center IVR with AI on IBM Cloud

August 15, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

We’ve all called a company’s customer service number only to be greeted by an interactive voice response (IVR) system. The IVR will say to press one for this and two for that and so on. You must wait for the […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

Primerica modernizes applications with hybrid cloud and container technologies

July 22, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

The Primerica business really started at the kitchen tables of Middle American families. Those personal, sometimes difficult conversations about finances and life insurance built trust. That trust allowed us to help families get the financial services they needed to protect […]

Cloud Clients

Performance for Assets uses cloud to increase wind farm output

April 30, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

Demand for wind energy is soaring. The European Union (EU) has set a target to increase the share of energy consumed from renewable sources to 20 percent by 2020. Wind energy is now the second leading form of power generation […]

Service Models

NexJ delivers CRM for wealth management as a service with IBM Cloud

April 25, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

In the financial services industry, a firm that uses technology to differentiate its business most often has an advantage over the competition. Today, firms are increasingly focused on cognitive services and intelligent analytics that can be used to deliver better […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

The Masters drives innovation with hybrid cloud and AI

April 12, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

The Masters golf tournament may be traditional on the course, but it’s driving innovation with its infrastructure and online fan experiences behind the scenes. “The Masters is surprisingly modern when it comes to its infrastructure in that it operates a […]

Deployment Models, Hybrid Cloud

IBM is partnering with AWS, Azure and GCP to unleash the power of cloud

March 21, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

According to a recent study, 98 percent of enterprises surveyed plan to use multiple hybrid clouds within three years. This may include the use of multiple cloud providers including IBM Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) […]

Global Cloud

Credits uses cloud to encourage mass adoption of public blockchain

February 21, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

Blockchain is attracting a lot of interest, especially since cryptocurrencies have exploded into the mainstream. To access a market that’s estimated to be worth trillions of dollars, our company, Credits, created a fast, cost-effective public blockchain platform hosted on scalable […]

Cloud Clients

APL helps make healthcare more accessible with IBM Cloud for SAP

February 1, 2019

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

Indonesia is home to the world’s fourth largest population, with 261 million people spread across more than 18,000 islands. From the bustling streets of Jakarta to the long, sandy beaches of Bali, there’s one thing all Indonesians share: the need […]

Cloud Clients

HansaWorld unlocks cognitive capabilities for clients of all sizes with cloud-based ERP

December 28, 2018

Via: Thoughts on Cloud

If there’s one lesson that software companies have learned over the past few years, it’s that creating a cloud version of your solutions isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. On the one hand, there are the technical challenges of […]